What Was the Miracle of the Sun?

What Was the Miracle of the Sun?

Posted by Rachel Summa

On October 13th, 1917, thousands of people in Fatima, Portugal, witnessed a miraculous event like no other.

This miracle concluded the apparitions of the Blessed Mother to Sts. Jacinta, Francisco, and Bl. Lucia, three shepherd children.

The Blessed Mother had first appeared to the children on May 13th of that year, asking them to return to the same spot on the 13th of each month for six months and be her messengers to the world.

At first, very few people believed the three children when they spoke about Our Lady’s appearances. Many Church and secular authorities believed that Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia were lying about their visions.

Distressed, Lucia asked the Blessed Mother—during her July apparition—if she would perform a miracle so that people would believe that Lucia and her cousins were telling the truth.

Our Lady promised that a great miracle would be performed in October—one that everyone present would see. In fact, over 70,000 people would witness the miracle.

On that day, October 13th, 1917, the Blessed Mother came and spoke to the children. It was wet, miserable weather; the rain had soaked people’s clothing and muddied the roads.

Now it was time for the miracle that Our Lady had promised. Accounts from believers, atheists, and skeptics all agree that the rain stopped, and the clouds parted to reveal a pale sun spinning like a white disc or wheel. The sun “danced” in the sky as it projected all the colors of the rainbow across the landscape, splashing every object with a brilliant and moving display of colored light. Then, suddenly, it hurtled from the sky and appeared to crash down to the earth.

All present thought that the end of the world had come; they cowered in paralyzing fear and shouted aloud for God’s mercy. Some confessed their sins aloud. Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the sun resumed its place in the sky, and all returned to normal. The people found their clothes and the ground surrounding them completely dry, and they instantly gave glory to God for the miracle they had just witnessed.

The Miracle at Fatima converted both believers and nonbelievers alike, as they realized the children were telling the truth and Our Lady really did appear to them.

Fatima 100th Anniversary Rosary

In 2017, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. In honor of these miracles, we have handcrafted this exclusive Fatima 100th Anniversary Rosary. Our Lady’s beauty has been described as blinding to behold, and this simple, yet elegant Our Lady of Fatima Anniversary rosary is sure to surprise you by its undiluted purity and grace. Classically beautiful, this stunning rosary is a unique gift and a lifetime personal faith companion.