Customer Reviews
"These truly are the most beautiful meditations for a consecration I have ever seen or read.. It is a masterpiece that touches the soul and spirit… Thank you for sending these to me. God bless you and your discipleship…leading others closer to Our Lady."
Our first Marian Consecration series has ended... but make sure that you sign up for our next one!
In his famous work Total Consecration to Mary, St. Louis de Montfort writes that Our Lady is the quickest, easiest, and most efficacious path to Jesus, and throughout the centuries innumerable saints have placed their salvation in the hands of the Blessed Mother.
St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Bernard, and Pope St. John Paul II highlight a list of incredible spiritual warriors who urged the faithful to consecrate themselves to Our Heavenly Mother.
"The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. She seeks souls that will consecrate themselves entirely to her, that will become in her hands forceful instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spread of God's kingdom." - St. Maximilian Kolbe
And in these confusing and troubled times, we need our Blessed Mother more than ever!
Thankfully, at Fatima, she laid out the plan for us to grow closer to her: daily recitation of the Holy Rosary. Six times at Fatima, she beseeched the shepherd children not to neglect this prayer that is so powerful and precious to her.
That’s why we’re beginning a Consecration to Mary through the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, beginning the day after we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection at Easter.
This Marian Consecration consists of five weeks to meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary, followed by a period of meditation upon the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
Once you make the consecration, it is for life; and de Montfort recommends that you renew it annually. So, even if you’re already consecrated, we invite you to join us and renew this act of love toward the Blessed Mother.
Keep in mind that this is a formal consecration to Our Lady, not unlike a vow, and should be done in a solemn manner; because through this program, we are giving Mary all of ourselves - heart, mind, and soul - in order to bring us to her Son, Jesus Christ.
How does she accomplish this? By using us as holy instruments in her battle with Satan. This consecration allows her the freedom to move in your life to make you holy, and to use your prayers, sacrifices, and sufferings for the greater glory of God.
Won’t you join us?
Enter your email to sign up, and you’ll receive daily messages beginning on April 9th to guide you through each day’s prayers and meditations.
Also, we wanted to make your consecration a simple yet hands-on process, with firm reminders to pray each day and to carry your resolutions with you past your Consecration Day!
That’s why we’ve created an exclusive Marian Consecration Set, with everything you need to make the most of this sanctifying time:
Pick yours up now, available exclusively through
It includes:
- Total Consecration Through The Mysteries Of The Rosary by Fr. Ed Broom
- Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplet
- Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary Prayer Card
- Stainless Steel Consecration Bracelet
The book, a do-it-yourself retreat, provides in-depth meditations on each Mystery and Sorrow, allowing you to delve even deeper into the beautiful richness of devotion to Our Lady - with just a few minutes each day!
The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplet is an elegant way to honor the Blessed Mother each day, and comes with an instructional card detailing how to pray it.
The consecration bracelet provides a concrete symbol and reminder that we are the spiritual servants of Mary, who takes our efforts and magnifies them to become loving gifts for Our Lord. And for an additional $15, we'll add a personalized charm to your bracelet to make it a truly unique reminder of your promise to Mary!
Join us today, and prepare for an unforgettable journey to Jesus through Mary!